Tanya LaPerrière, violin
Elinor Frey, cello
Esteban La Rotta, theorbo
Mélisande McNabney, harpsichord
Imperfect Circle: Chromatic, Circular, and Wandering Music
There will be a reception in the lobby of the Kosciuszko Foundation featuring complimentary wine from Italy, the country featured in Pallade Musica’s program.
The accomplished Canadians perform a unique program of idiosyncratic Italian pieces and two of their favorite sonatas by Buxtehude. Berardi’s Canzone prima, Chi la fà, l’aspetti, or “What goes around comes around,” implies the “imperfect circle” of the concert’s title. Chromatic movements abound—for example, the Capriccio Chromatica from Veracini’s Sonata XII.