


Mélisande McNabney performs keyboard music of all periods, on harpsichord, piano and fortepiano. In August 2015, she received the third prize at the International Competition Musica Antiqua in Bruges, Belgium.

Very active on the concert scene, Mélisande was invited as a soloist in series such as Clavecin en Concert or the Série Jacques Dansereau at Bourgie Hall. As a chamber and orchestra musician, she is regularly invited to play with Les Violons du Roy, Arion Orchestre Baroque, Montreal Bach Festival Orchestra, Les Idées heureuses, the Theater of Early Music and Ensemble Caprice. She is a member of Pallade Musica and ensemble Les Songes, with whom she took part in numerous tours of Canada and the USA. In January 2019, Mélisande released her debut solo album, Inspirations : D’Anglebert, Forqueray, Rameau, on the label ATMA Classique. Well received by critiques worldwide, the recording received 5 Diapasons from the famous French magazine.

In 2021, Mélisande looks forward to concerto appearances with Arion Orchestre Baroque and Les Violons du Roy, as well as the launch of her second solo album with ATMA Classique, this time on fortepiano.

In addition to her performing activities, Mélisande is also an active researcher in the field of performance practices, and will be presenting in two international conferences in the summer of 2021: the HKSNA conference in St. Paul, Minnesota, and the Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music in Birmingham, UK.

Mélisande is a graduate of the Amsterdam Conservatory where she studied harpsichord, continuo and fortepiano in the classes of Bob van Asperen and Richard Egarr. She was granted her Doctorate degree at McGill University in May 2017, under the guidance of Hank Knox and Tom Beghin, thanks to the support of the Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program.

 Mélisande has received scholarships from Musicaction, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Banff Centre, the SSHRC, the FQRSC and the CALQ.

Upcoming Concerts

Past concerts

Past concerts



Photo: Pierre-Étienne Bergeron





Her keyboard technique is formidable. Her taste is appropriately refined. Her sense of period is assured. Her conception of the music is on point. She well should be an artist on the rise.
— Peter Jacobi, Herald Times Online
À noter aussi, la splendeur du clavecin flamand touché avec art par Mélisande McNabney.
— Christophe Huss, Le Devoir
Mélisande McNabney a réussi à extirper de l’orgue un son délicat, doux et enveloppant qui ne semblait pas appartenir à l’imposant instrument.
— Josianne Desloges, Le Soleil
I’m blown away by not only the technical mastery of her playing, but by the remarkable expressivity with which she realizes the works – the harpsichord is limited in that there’s no sustain pedal and no variation in volume, but this doesn’t matter in the hands of this very accomplished and sensitive musician.
— Karen Ages, The Whole Note
La claveciniste montréalaise Mélisande McNabney, fille d’Isolde Lagacé, directrice artistique de la Fondation Arte Musica, et de Douglas McNabney, professeur de musique de chambre à l’Université McGill, a remporté le 3e Prix du concours Musica Antiqua de Bruges (Belgique), une éminente compétition de musique ancienne. Le Premier Prix est allé au Français Justin Taylor, le second à la Russe Sofya Gandilyan. Le jury était composé de Johan Huys (Belgique), Richard Egarr (Royaume-Uni), Andrea Marcon (Italie), Béatrice Martin (France) et Christine Schornsheim (Allemagne). Mélisande McNabney termine un doctorat en clavecin et en pianoforte dans les classes de Hank Knox et Tom Beghin à l’École de musique Schulich de l’Université McGill.
— Christophe Huss, Le Devoir
Mélisande McNabney played two contrasting harpsichord sonatas
with impeccable technique and style. Throughout the program she played the continuo
accompaniment for every number with elegance and sensitivity to the other players, which
made each piece a special pleasure.
— Lois Davidson, FTCA
[...] coup de chapeau particulier aux artisans du continuo, dont Sylvain Bergeron à l’archiluth et Mélisande McNabney au clavecin.
— Christophe Huss, Le Devoir
[...] the performances were outstanding.
— Richard Todd, Ottawa Citizen



